01 Nov

Wicca and Witchcraft are indicated across every corner of the web. As you browse for Wicca or Wiccan, you will always come across magick spells. This is because magick spells and spell casting are a big part of some Wiccans ritual practices. (please note though that not all Wiccans practice magick)

You have probably heard and seen most about Wiccan spells for healing, protection, love, fertility, money, grounding and banishing negative energy. These are examples of positive and good magick that are often called the white magick or White Witchcraft. The opposite of these kinds of spells is black magick. Black magick has been popular since ancient times because it is associated with ultimate power and evil. With these types of magick spells I would suggest taking into consideration the Threefold Law. If you’re not familiar with it, it goes something like this: (but, again, please note that not all who practice magick will follow this wiccan law, as not all who practice magick are Wiccan) 

Ever Mind The Rule Of Three

Three Times Your Acts Return To Thee

This Lesson Well, Thou Must Learn

Thou Only Gets What Thee Dost Earn.

In other words, whatever you put out into the universe will come back to you. Good or bad. Similar the to concept of "Karma".

Basically the law says that every good or bad deed one person does to another, will return to that person with triple force some time in the future.

It is important to know the roots of Wicca to be able to separate the good and bad facts about Wicca.

Wicca is a religion of nature worship with pagan roots in which believes in both gods and goddesses. This belief is comparable to the philosphy of "yin" and "yang", and also comparable to the Christian beliefs of Jesus and the Devil. The Wiccan god however, is associated with nature, wilderness, hunting, and sexuality. The Goddess is often understood as being three parts representing the phases of the Moon. Understanding fertility and feminie power.

Greco-Roman goddesses like Diana and Athena are notable, and the Norse goddess Freyja is most often a likely inspiration.

Magick and magick spells are part of common Wiccan practices (most often called witchcraft). Magick is defined as the science and art of causing change through the power of nature and the universe. For Wiccans, magick is a law of nature.

There is no fixed set of ethical codes or guidelines followed by all Wiccans; however, most Wiccan practitioners follow the Wiccan Rede. The Wiccan Rede states that "an it harm none, do what ye will.", basically that means do what what you will as long you are hurting noneone. This moral compass helps Wiccans to consider their actions and keep them inline with Wiccan beliefs.

There are five natural elements in Wiccan traditions, rather than the normal 4 most of us are familiar with. The five elements are Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and the extra one is "Aether" or "spirit". Five different points of a pentagram represent each element, and as such the pentagram is a fundamental shape in Wiccan tradition.

The point up is the symbol of Wicca. The pentagram represents the integration of body and spirit, and the spiritual mastery of the four elements. The top point of the star represents Spirit, the left Air, the right Water, the bottom right Fire, and the bottom left Earth.

Lastly, Wicca does not follow any particular book like Christianity and the Bible, or Islam and the Koran. One book does not exist.

The Book of Shadows is most commonly used but it is just a collection of spells which has been updated and extended over history, with new spells and practitioners creating their own spells and book of shadows that match their own type of practice and personalities.

Not all witches are Wiccan.

Not all Pagans are Wiccan. Not all witches are Pagan.

Not all Pagans are witches.

Not all Wiccan are Pagan.

Paganism is an ancient, Pre-Christian religion.

Wicca is a religion, but NOT ancient or Pre-Christian.

Witchcraft is NOT a religion.... it's a practice.

Blessed Be

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